Living Arrows #3

It’s been a rather wet week here, so we haven’t gotten out much. On the one trip to the park we managed to make, J was more keen to climb up the slide than to slide down it. When I eventually managed to get him to do it, alongside his baby sister, he was very pleased with himself. He even gave himself a clap.

W really enjoyed our visit, despite the grey sky and threatening rain. She loved the slide. She also had a great time playing in the sand with B and Gran. I love it when she tries to walk and forgets she can’t quite do it yet. She gets so excited!

I just wish the rain would go away so that we can venture a bit further afield!

(My photos were just taken on my iPhone camera and whilst on the move. Still working on my composition and stuff too.)

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Living Arrows
You Baby Me Mummy

Ours is not to reason why…

I often find myself watching J as he goes about his day and wondering what he’s thinking, how he feels and why he does things in a certain way. Does he have the same thoughts and feelings as us? Does he process any information in the same way? I know that on the whole he is very happy and seems to have lots of fun, but most of this is a solo venture and mainly doesn’t involve anyone else. Occasionally he looks at us and laughs or smiles to invite us to share in his happiness at what he is doing and sometimes he allows his brother to join him in his adventure. Often though, he does his own thing and plays by his own rules. Continue reading

Is there a safe place to visit?

Today we went on a trip to Loch Lomond Shores. We usually venture further round the Loch to Luss or Firkin Point but the weather forecast wasn’t too good, so we decided to stay where shelter could be found if needed.
Loch Lomond Shores is a mostly paved area at the bottom of the Loch with some shops, a Sea Life centre, playground, shows, a small beach area and a paddle steamer. As such, it should be a safe and relaxing place to take a stroll with the family. That is if you are not out for a walk with a very active, fast, strong and excitable autistic child. Instead of a nice pathway around the Loch with a tourist train and a little beach area, you see dangerous trip/slip hazards in the guise of rocks and gravel, spinning train wheels to run alongside and try to turn and a giant pool of water just waiting to be plunged into.

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