The Millionth Doctor’s Visit

OK, so it’s probably not the millionth time we have been to a doctor’s appointment but it certainly feels like it could be. Many of them as pointless as the ones that came before and this one was certainly no different. This time we were being ‘followed up’ by a doctor with a specialism in genetics.

Back when J was visiting the consultant paediatrician following on from his birth there were many tests carried out and theories discussed. One of these was a possible genetic cause for his difficulties. He was referred to see a specialist in this area, as well as many other referrals to various professional in the hope that someone would be able to determine a cause for his developmental delay. Continue reading

Another day, another soft play


The long weekend continues and so does the rain. J is actually asking to go to soft play (as well as he can ask, but I understand what he means). Can I do it again? I phoned my mum to ask if she was up for it. Thank God for my mum, she’s always willing to brave the situation and dive right in with me.ย We set off, this time for a different soft play centre. This one we had visited before and the boys had seemed to enjoy it.

Today was a completely different experience. Continue reading

Please shut the gate!


It’s the schools’ February long weekend and after two normal weekend days of rain it’s raining again! My boys have been stir crazy and urgently needed to burn off some energy. With my mum for moral support I headed off to one of our local soft play centres. My boys had never visited this one before so I thought it would make a nice change. It’s inside a large shop near the back, so a long way from an escape out the front door for J. It’s a large play frame inside a gated area, again helping to keep J contained. Or so I thought! Continue reading

B’s Birthday


This week saw our littlest boy turn four! Where has my baby gone? He was very excited about his birthday and loved opening his presents, blowing out his candles, having a wee party and being the centre of attention. It was lovely to see his reaction to everything being for him.

We try very hard to give both of our boys everything they need and to make sure they are happy. B is a very happy little boy and he gets to do lots of fun and interesting ย things, always going out to new places and having new adventures. He is also the younger sibling of a child with autism and no matter how much we try to shield him from this, it will always be a big part of his life. He has taken a lot of responsibility onto his young shoulders already. He has to be patient when we are dealing with J’s meltdowns, put up with J quite regularly taking toys from him (because he hasn’t quite got the concept of sharing yet), run with us as we chase after J on outings and he also translates some of the things he thinks his brother wants or needs, amongst many other things. Continue reading